Instant Bag, 2023  
Instant Bag, Nr.23, Nr.24, 2023
mixed media
39 x 29 x 18 cm

In moving that imposes crossing of geographical and cultural boundaries the objects that one decides to take with oneself becomes the story of one’s life, one’s history and in a way, it represents that what one is leaving behind. A survival kit becomes in that way a tangible sign of the painful selection one had to make at the moment of departure, lived through without a certainty of a future return.

In this way, other objects are added to the ones that represent physical needs of everyday life, maybe even useless, but still symbols of attachment to everything that is familiar, a memory, and from which one does not wish to separate.
The suitcases become representations of an identity, an archive of personal memories that unites the present and the past: by observing these instant bags we are asked to compare ourselves with the typical human condition of wandering, of migration, the everlasting symbol of a painful separation, searching, change, reconstruction.