Untitled, 2015 
site-specific installation
mixed media
108 x 127 x 66 cm
installation view Ex Elettrofonica, Roma, 2015

Marx's theory of commodity fetishism argues that people in a capitalist society do not desire a product for its intrinsic qualities but desire the product as a symbol of some social value that is attached to it. Marxists distinguish between two kinds of value that can be attached to commodities. These are use value and exchange value. The use value of a commodity is its real value to satisfy a real need. Its exchange value is the value determined by the market through the interaction of supply and demand. In capitalist societies, exchange value dominates use value. Capitalist enterprises create demand for useless products through marketing.
Capitalism creates false needs which are fulfilled through consumerism, whilst true needs remain unsatisfied. Freedom in Capitalist societies is an illusion. The Bourgeoisie create this illusion by giving the people the false freedom of choice between different brands of the same good.
The gratification of these false needs unconsciously makes the people believe that they are happy and consequently reconciles them to the basic injustice of society of which they are only dimly conscious.
I criticize the false needs produced by the consumer system, which guides the society through the accumulation of objects are not necessary for life.